You can provide valuable financial protection for your Staff’s Family, recognising the difficulty that can follow for their Dependants, should they die before reaching retirement.
This is provided by way of a Group Insurance contract that your Company would put in place for all Staff, which automatically covers each person, without health evidence, for 4x basic salary (can be higher if desired).
This cover level means that, for example, the Family member of your Staff earning an annual salary of £40,000 would receive £160,000 in the event of their death before retirement, whilst they are an Employee of your Company.
Please note that this life insurance cover applies whilst the Staff member is an employee of your Company and not only if they were to die whilst carrying out their job on Company premises.
The level of cover is fixed by the Company and you could be notified of any proposed changes in the future.
Provided your cover amount is less than the free cover limit (often that is everyone other than some of the very highest earners), there is no health evidence required from you whatsoever. This gives your Staff complete peace of mind, knowing you have covered them regardless of their state of health when joining the Company.
This cover costs Staff nothing at all. Also, the cover is not a ‘benefit-in-kind’, meaning there will be no tax liability for your Staff on the premiums paid for by you as the Employer.
To nominate beneficiaries, Employees should complete an Expression of Wishes form – which will be downloadable from a micro-site that we setup specifically for your Staff to view, or from your Company’s usual HR contact.
When signed and dated, the Company then has a record of to whom any claim money should be paid. In the event of there not being a form on file, the Company would make a decision based on their knowledge of your personal circumstances and your legal next of kin.
It is your Staff’s responsibility to ensure that these details are kept up-to-date.
An Employee’s Death-in-Service cover ceases upon leaving the Company.