Welcome to your Dentsu International group pension scheme info-site

This info-site is for Members of the Dentsu International (‘Dentsu’) Aegon ARC Self-invested Personal Pension (SIPP) scheme.  Patterson-Mills continues to provide full investment advice to you about your Aegon SIPP scheme, advice that is funded by your Employer. We administer your SIPP through Aegon Scottish Equitable and it was your Qualifying Workplace Pension Scheme under the UK Government’s Auto-enrolment regulations between 1 November 2018 and 30 June 2023.

On these web-pages, you will be able to find links to relevant information and additional web pages from Patterson-Mills about your Aegon SIPP scheme.

In addition, you may find our other website content of interest, so feel free to browse that too!

Useful Information:

ESG-SRI – Ethical, sustainable funds


Your Aegon Workplace ARC SIPP (WPARC)


What is your introductory pension meeting all about?


Annual Review Meetings


Investment Performance


We are here to help

We are here for your benefit, to answer any questions about your pensions, from HMRC limits to investment choices and recommendations.

If you have not already been invited to meet with one of our Consultants, Edward Mills or Chris Rathbone, do not hesitate to get in touch to book your New Member Meeting on one of our next planned visits to your Triton Street offices.

The New Member Meetings are booked through Jeanette and she can be contacted by email to jeanette@pattersonmills.com.

If you have any questions feel free to get in touch at any point.

Downloadable PDFs information:

WPARC Handbook – v1.1- 2021
Easy steps to your Co Pension
Aegon ARC Key Features
Adviser Statement to all Employees
Protecting your personal information